Monday, May 01, 2006

Vacation Vacation Vacation!

Me and my wife are dreaming about a second honeymoon. It's been a while since we have taken a real vacation anywhere. I'm not interestd in Florida as I can't stand the humidity etc.. I'm taking a serious look at vegas maybe mexico? Any suggestions? I'll probably leave at the end of May. Let the fun begin!


Rafi G. said...

come vacation in Israel!! Where every Jew should be, or at least be vacationing!!

Ezzie said...

Heh - what Rafi said...

But I assume no kids are coming on this trip? A few people we know just did Vegas and loved it.

AS said...

Rafi:Israel would be great if I could afford it not to mention if you are only going for a 3 -4 day trip it doesn't make too much sense but thanks for the suggestion

PsychoToddler said...

I'm still waiting for my first Honeymoon.

AS said...

Psycho-hence your name :) are u nuts?!