Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Senator McCain Clears the Air on his view of Israel

Evidently John McCain was pretty miffed about a recent Haaretz article which he claims misrepresented his views on Israel. He states that "I’ve never held the position that Israel should return to 1967 lines, and that is not my position today." In this JP interview he says that"There can be no comprehensive peace accord between Israel and the Palestinians until the Palestinians recognize Israel, forswear forever the use of violence, recognize their previous agreements, and reform their internal institutions." It would seeem that there is little question as to whether this Republican front runner for President is looking to seriously court the Jewish Vote.


The Town Crier said...

It would seeem that there is little question as to whether this Republican front runner for President is looking to seriously court the Jewish Vote.

And you fell for it.

AS said...

Really how did I fall for it? Did I say I was voting for him? Man you certainly have issues dude.

AS said...

Wait he's republican so he's a bad bad man..I think you should change your name to bleeding heart liberal crier :)

The Town Crier said...

Actually i have always been very open about Senator McCain being my favorite republican.

Soccer Dad said...

There was a recent article in FrontPage magazine warning about a President McCain. I don't remember much about it.
But until then everything I'd heard about McCain and Israel had been positive. (Even if Chuck Hagel is his closest friend in the Senate.)

The Town Crier said...

Soccerdad, i think you are referring to that woeful reprint of J. Maoz's latest from the jewish press