Monday, April 10, 2006

Writing Real Jewish Music Reviews: Stealing?

Aryeh writes about how he was contacted by producers of Jewish music who mentioned that his reviews hurt thier ( and the singers) parnasoh (livelihood). Perhaps they consider a real review if it's remotely negative to be stealing. Aftyer all we should all just follow in the footsteps of Country Yossi and Lifestyle Magazine and write only complimentry even if it is a piece of drek! I think it's time these producers jokers start to realize that not everyone likes this stuff and they can try writing some real music for a change.


PsychoToddler said...

I think it's stealing if these guys take my hard-earned money and I end up listening to drek.

Haddock said...

Pessach ...
the 4 sons...
...and who are you?

AS said...

Psycho-Your theory is interesting. However I could argue with todays technology and the ability to listen to samples... You might be considered a moron if you ended up with something you didn't like.

yitz said...

This is obviously not a simple issue. Here in Israel we say, al haTa'am v'al haReyach, ein ma l'hitvakei'ach [in matters of taste & smell, there is no debate]. Some of us love real Negina, others Jewish "pop" or whatever you wanna call the Matisyahu & other stuff out there, etc. In addition to samples over the 'Net, many Jewish music stores will allow you to listen to a track or two of a recording before purchasing.

Reviewers have an awesome responsibility - sometimes their words can unjustly ruin someone, or unjustly catapault his sales to become a best-seller. Yet since everyone's taste IS INDEED somewhat different, it behooves the listener to "try it out for himself." But I think it's quite dishonest to simply praise everything, even if it's not praiseworthy. So some sort of balance between panning something that you can't stand, and falsely praising something that's unworthy, is probably the way to go!
Chag Sameach to all!

AS said...

So some sort of balance between panning something that you can't stand, and falsely praising something that's unworthy, is probably the way to go!

According to that statement you would be taking about a partial falsehood. I think I understand what you were trying to say it should be even handed. I think if you don't like something you can say why and say that perhaps others may like it etc.

yitz said...

I am in no way advocating lying or not telling the truth. But as I mentioned, we're discussing basically matters of taste. If the guy sings off-key, or the musicians are not in sync, obviously this cannot be ignored & the sales will have to suffer; perhaps they'll deliver a better product next time. But when it's something you don't like, I'd haveta agree with JB that you can say why & that perhaps others will like it.