As some of you may know one of the hotest selling Jewish "group" Albums is
Lev Tahor. they have just recently released their 4rth album. This album is the second "regular" album as 2 others where strictly acapella ( that's vocals only for the layman. I'm looking forward to purchasing it as the last vocal album was quite good. I was wondering however if they could have a copyright problem with the name"Lev Tahor". It has been used previously ----->
a capella = "in church"
[Italian : a, in the manner of + cappella, chapel, choir.] It soesn'y have to mean a chapel per se...:)
smililarity between the words ChAPEL and CAPELla not withstanding.
My Random House dictionary of the English Language, copyright 1968, has as definition #6 for the word "chapel" -
"a choir or orchestra of a chapel, court, etc."
And the etymology of the word is from cappella = hooded cloak. "first applied to the sanctuary where the cloak of St. Martin, 4th Century bishop of Tours, was kept as a relic."
Somehow, the Italians were "zoche" that just about all musical terminology comes from them. Presto, andante, pianissimo, etc. etc. Does anybody know why this came about?
[And obviously, the Italians were devout Catholics and much of their terminology is church-oriented].
And interetingly enough, the Mittler Rebbe of Chabad had his own choir which was called his "Kapelya" -- obviously from the word "cappella."
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