Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The whiner (oops), Wiener goes out for votes for 09'?

I guess since Ferrer seems a sure loser at this point the Democrats are already looking toward the 09' election for NYC mayor. The Post reports that Congressman Anthony Wiener is already looking for face time, when Ferrer should be in front getting the vote out ( which at this point is a lost cause I guess). The article claims that he represents the new persona of the Democratic party:a white-ethnic moderate who " gasp"has even managed to force Ferrer, kicking and screaming, to finally come out in favor of cutting taxes.
It further points out that: Among the many Democrats who waged quixotic mayoral campaigns against the popular Mike Bloomberg, only Weiner broke from the pack by daring to move baby steps from the far left.

Seems like he's going to be the front man for 09' for the Dems and probably will win the nomination. I don't like the idea of having a whiner as mayor but that's just me.

Filed under:,,,.

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