Monday, November 14, 2005

What the heck is wrong with Cholov Yisroel Milk?

This question has been on my mind for a while. Why is it that Cholov Yisroel milk does not last long at all? There seems to be little differentiation when it comes to a brand either. Whether it is New Square, Golden Flow,Ahava etc. the milk spoils quickly. I have not had the same experience with non-cholov yisroel brands so where does the problem stem from. One explanation I was given was inadequate refigeration on the trucks. How can we tackle these issues? Is there a problem with these cows? Do they have anxiety from the kosher supervision? hmmmmmmmm...


Ezzie said...

After having yet another milk spoil today after just a few days...!

It's really troubling. Most Jews seem to accept this as expected - but it makes NO SENSE!! ARGH. (sorry, pet peeve - all the stores by us sell only CY, and I'm too lazy to go to KeyFood for the real stuff...)

AS said...

Thanks for the comments! anyone know what the is going on! I want some answers! ok I'll calm down now, really though what is the matter here?