Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Voting wrap up....and the winner is...

In an unbelievable win Michael Bloomberg beat out Fernando Ferrer for NYC Mayor with a record landslide of 20-points. In NJ Senator Corzine beats out Doug Forrester for governor by 9 percentage points. The tightest race was in Virginia where Democrat Lt. Gov. Tim Kaine beat Republican Jerry Kilgore. Interestingly enough in Kaine's victory speech he praised G-d several times....Something some other politicians would never do. In California Gov. Schwarzenegger failed on all of his ballot measures:Capping spending, removing legislators' redistricting powers, making teachers work five years instead of two to pass probation, and restricting political spending by public employee unions. The one great win I'm truly happy with was in Texas where voters overwhelmingly approved a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Certainly this has been a win for the Democrats. The media however, wants us to believe that Bush and his policies are behind these losses. The truth however is that both Governor wins were originally Democrat so there isn't a huge difference in the balance of power.

Filed under: ,,,,,,,,


W.C. Varones said...

The big winner of last night might be Tom DeLay.

Ohio rejected electoral reform that certainly would have led to more Democratic seats in Congress, and California rejected Proposition 77 which would have given the Democrats a chance to pick up seats in California.

The odds of another Republican Congress just went way up.

Ezzie said...

WCV is right - Ohio's rejection of the Soros-pushed "reforms" was overwhelming. You left out "gay" in your point about Texas. It looks a bit silly to have a constitutional ban on marriage. ;)