Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Jewish-Orthodox Online Dating...What works?

A single friend of mine was discussing some of his dating stories with me. I asked him how he finds his dated. He replied that he's been using several different online dating services including: Frumster,Saw you at Sinai and Future Simchas. I asked which one he felt did a better job of helping find a potential mate. Saw you at Sinai seemed to be his favorite since the girls where screened by a shadchin first and then where sent over the information etc.. The one major issue he had with all the websites however was the constant lying and misinformation not to mention hypocrisy. One girl for example had said she was modern orthodox but machmir. She sent a photo with short sleeves and mentioned that she would eat in a dairy restaurant even if it wasn't certified kosher. When asked how often she davens she said occasionally and when asked when she goes to shul she replies "high holidays". Another girl stated on her profile she was "lean and thin" the date proved to be otherwise (head shots don't give much to go on).

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