Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Nachamu, Nachamu, oy vey!

LIFE-of-RUBIN keeps us updated with the latest concerts. My question is why is Yeedle still allowed in the lime light. Are all those allegations false? Why is there no out cry by the rabbanim? Are they afraid? It would be nice to know for a fact one way or the other. I think it is interesting that he never has said anything publicly one way or the other.


Chaim said...

My guess is money. When you need quick cash, these concerts have to got to help.

AS said...

Perhaps they should picket the concert:)

Chaim said...

Mindy, Yes, I heard about that conspiracy theory, if you want to follow blindly go ahead, even with that theory another JM player would have had to be just as horribly guilty.

Secondly, he swallowed a computer disk when the police entered the room in which he had been "set up", why would he swallow a computer disk if he had nothing to hide? There were also wire taps and other incidents. (which led to this particular sting)

If you want to be so naive, go ahead. One day you will wake up and realize just because someone sings pesukim from tehilim with kvetches, does not make them a Tzadik.

AS said...

Mindy: can you prove what you are saying? I have people in the music business with much coser ties to this than you. They are not telling me what you are saying. If you are in love with his voice that's your business but unless you can back it with proof it's worthless to me. I think the fact that he has yet to pubicly deny any of these accusations speaks volumes and I think he should be banned personally. I'm sure he's hoping it will just go away and everyone will forget about it. I'm not forgetting and I would like to find out the real truth not the preceptions you are trying to put forth here.

Chaim said...

Shloimy, he was known to have drug abuse issues for years before that incident. This is not a squeaky clean guy who walked into a trap. He has no business going on stage and being a "role model" to a Jewish Audience and in my personal opinion by MBD singing with him he does nothing to help the situation.

AND - The whole swallowing the memory disk thing cannot be defended.

AS said...

True enough.. I happen to have seen him with MBD about 2 yrs.ago at YU and he looked stoned out of his mind. He was making the most oddest gesture and I was waiting for them to take him a way in a strectcher at some point. What a disgrace to the business.

yitz said...

It's time to leave this rumor-mongering, let the courts decide if their is any evidence to convict him of anything. Weblogs shouldn't be spreading so much Lashon Hara.
"Lo tov haShmua"? Okay, so stay away, don't go to his concerts. Leave his personal life to himself & the courts, beis din, whatever.

AS said...

Why is it time? I'm not spreading anything that isn't already known. I want to do more than not go... I want to ban his concerts period!Just like those Rabbis in England. I have connections that tell me the accustion are true. I believe it is and for that reason I'm pushing the point not sweeping it under the rug. If he's so innocent he can easily exonerate himself. He has not which speak volumes.

Chaim said...

There is a fine line between covering something up, hoping it will go away and loshan hora.

Just look at the current crisis's in the frum world when things were covered up or the excuse of "Loshan Hora" was applied.

If it is true that he is guilty of even one of these things than he has no business being in a position of public eye or pretending to young children that he is a role model. He has no business on stage.

It';s about tie frum people in all our communities started learning the difference between loshan hora and applying a cover up.