Thursday, June 16, 2005

Kaballah is a great business

As reported by Jewschool,Radar Online exposes how the latest Kaballah cults are scheming. I was going to write about this due to the commercial for ABC's 20/20 I saw the other day. I thought it was funny that it will be airing at 10 PM when no orthodox Jew could see it. I must be in the wrong business, the Rabbi (I shouldn't really give him that title perhaps charlatan?) named Berg has created a multimillion-dollar brand out of very holy and spiritual teachings. The comical part is none of the members seem to understand the whole thing is truly and utterly bogus. How people get drawn into this stuff is beyond me. This Berg dude must be one charismatic person, a Shabtzai Tzvi of sorts. When it all hits the fan I wouldn't be surprised if this Berg fellow ends up in a federal penitentiary. People think Kaballah is some kind of religion when in fact it is so difficult to understand there are probably just a handful of living people who really understand it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kaballah = scientology
don't follow kaballah