Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Let's spread the word of Judaism to all Jews!

Heard today on wcbs 880 AM. Listening to the Osgood file I found this story to be interesting:

As an attempt to battle the never ending assimilation of Jews.
Rabbi Avraham Jacobowitz has come up with an idea to spread
the word of Judiasm. It's called economics:

"He started something called Maimonides Leaders Fellowship which offers $500 stipends for those willing to study Judaism for 10 weeks. Similar programs exist at nearly twenty college campuses across the country. "

Guess what? It's really working, why you ask? The explanation could be...
Mitoch shelo l'shma ba l'shma...that observance for incorrect reasons will eventually lead to observance for correct reasons(T.B. Pesachim 50b).

For even more info you can go to this site.

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