Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Introducing: Dovid Gabay: Omar Dovid!

Here is the cover for Dovid Gaby's 2nd release entitled Omar Dovid. A music sampler will be out next week via sameach music. The album should be available in stores within a few weeks or months depending on who you ask. Seriously now, this album should eclipse the first so chances are if you liked his debut release, you'll love Omar Dovid. Songs were written by the big names in the biz such as Yossi Green, Yitzi Waldner and the title song by Elimelech Blumstein. Arrangements are done by Danny Flam,Leib Yaakov Rigler, Yisroel Lamm, Avremi Gourarie, Ian Freitor and Yonatan Razel.


Anonymous said...

shwekey clone!

Anonymous said...

shwekey is a kvetcher (or krecher), dovid has a much sweeter voice.

AS said...

anon, you mean you didn't hear about that scientific cloning project: they made another sephardic singer out of a bone from shwekey's body and it turned out to be Gabay...nobody was more surprised than me. I didn't know that clonning humans was even possible or legal for that matter. Perhaps it was conducted in mexico? Can someone please tell us how this was done? Gabay can hold his own I think no cloning is necessary....