One of the ways a person can expand their business is by accepting credit cards. Credit Cards have taken the place of cash even for small purchases. The debit card is expanding card purchases even further than ever before. Take 7-11 for example: people are purchasing items of just $5 on credit cards and debit. Accepting credit cards (aka credit card processing or Merchant Account) helps businesses in many ways:1) With cash people are limited to what they have on hand 2)People with credit cards are less worried about the cost since they can pay it out over time ( this is especially helpful with large ticket items) there are other reasons such as Credit Cards offer extended warranties etc. The problem is many people are not familiar with the intricacies of a Merchant Account. Many companies try to offer low introductory rates and move in for the bait and switch. Merchant accounts work in the following manner: You pay a small percentage of each sale to the bank for the transaction. This is known as the discount fee and many companies offer different rates and structures depending on how you are accepting the credit card i.e. are you swiping it on a terminal or keying in the numbers on a credit card terminal? If you are looking to increase your business I suggest contacting my sponsor: Prestige Merchant Services. They have the knowledge and experience to explain everything you want to know about accepting credit cards for your business. If you are already accepting credit cards there is a good chance you are paying too much. Prestige Merchant Services is known for their low rates and competitive pricing. They will offer you a free consultation and explain exactly how much they can save you which in many cases can be hundred to thousands of dollars a year.
wow cool! how did you get such an amazing sponsor? how much are they paying you? how can i get them to sponsor me too?
Why don't you call them?
gee thats helpful
you can email them at and ask them about their referral program
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