It's been understood for some time that heavy cell phone use may cause cancer. Therefore it should come as no surprise that a study conducted in Israel were cell phone usage is some of the heaviest anywhere, has found some disturbing results. Heavy mobile usage has been linked to a 50% increase in mouth cancer. The study found that those who placed their cell phones against the side of thier heads were 50% more likely to develop a tumour of the paratoid gland compared to infrequent users.The parotid gland is the largest human salivary gland and is located near the jaw and ear, where mobile phones are typically held. How do you stay away from this problem?The report also outlines that the risks of mobile use can be diminished by using the speaker, hands free devices and limiting the number of calls made and hours spent on the phone. The next question is: if you use your bluetooth are you exposing yourself to harmful radiation? Most experts seem to suggest that the frequency is too weak to cause any damage. What will they find out tomorrow?
While cell phone use, among other risk factors, may cause mouth cancer, you should know that mouth, or oral, cancer can be PREVENTED. My name is Jillian and I work for the PR firm that represents OralCDx. There is a test that identifies abnormal cells before they become cancerous, therefore preventing oral cancer from ever developing. The BrushTest or computer-assisted brush biopsy, manufactured by OralCDx Laboratories, is a small brush that dental professionals use to test tiny white or red spots that are commonly found in a person’s mouth during a routine oral exam. It is one of two tests that can actually detect oral cancer (the other is a scalpel biopsy), and is better at detecting cancer than mammography, the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test or the Pap smear. The sensitivity and specificity to detect precancers and cancers with OralCDx is very high according to numerous studies published in peer-reviewed journals. The test is so effective that the American Dental Association has partnered with OralCDx to educate dentists and patients about its lifesaving potential: When an oral spot found by the BrushTest contains precancerous cells, they are typically still harmless for several more years. During this time the precancerous spot can be removed and oral cancer prevented. The next time you visit your dentist, make sure to ask him/her about the BrushTest. For more information visit
Interesting information
I believe bluetooth is also harmful. It also emits radiation. Interestingly, even a wired headset is danerous. According to Dr. George Carlo, who was paid by the government to test whether or not cell phones are safe, wired headsets can collect extra radiation floating around in the environment and conduct it to your head. The safest headsets are those with an airtube.
Studies show that cell phone radiation is particularly damaging to children. Due to the softness of their tissues, cell phone radiation penetrates children's heads up to 12 times faster than that of an adult.
Most people do not know that there are actually devices available to help protect you from cell phone radiation.
-Keith and Orit Cox are Holistic Health practitioners with a special interest on creating awareness about the dangers of cell phone radiation. They operate the website and the blog
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