Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Please Light One Less Candle: Enviromentalists!

Some Israeli environmentalists would like you to express your concern for the enviroment by lighting one less candle this Hanukkah. What's next? Eat one less matzah for peasach or one less cup of wine? How about only lighting one candle every shabbos? Rabbi Darren Kleinberg tried to diffuse the situation by suggesting ,``Why don't we ask people that while they light their Hannukah candles, they should turn off the lights in their house," he said. ``That seems like an equally powerful statement that ensures the same goal without undermining the ritual."Is there a reason why Israeli environmentalists look for ways to infringe upon Jewish practices? Perhaps we could help the environment by not being religious at all?Honestly, if you want to help the environment, start boycotting China. They are looking to be the emission leader very shortly. Let's also not forget how divorce contributes greatly to global warming. Perhaps they will outlaw divorce since it eats up to much of our resources.


Anonymous said...

everyone can do this just fine. just blow out the extra shamash every night, whats the big deal?

AS said...

The Shamash is not one of the "candles". That was not their request.

Anonymous said...

but it is a great solution? a better one perhaps than mocking and fighting and not being mekaraiv those that have less understanding.

but go ahead, mock and ridicule those that were not educated in judaism as you were. that will definitely solve our problems and bring everyone closer together...and help the enivornent too!

AS said...

That's your opinion and you are entitled I just find it interesting as do others that they choose our religion to trample on.Are you that closed minded that many Israeli secularists would prefer to see absolutely no religion in Israel? I have the right to mock environmentalists because in my opinion most of them are nuts! Perhaps my posts pushes your buttons because because the truth hurts?

Anonymous said...

The shamash is not "extra" either. The people making the sugesstions are clearly doinging it to incite. In fact much more energy is saved by people staying home playing draidel instead of going out. Whats next, fry one less latkeh, or dont make chulent on shabbos, that extra crockpot is going to break mother natures back. Come on!! Those people are retarded. Plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

Have the environmentalist crack down on Hannukah. What about Christmas? All the lights that are put up. They waste electricity or the trees that are cut down and used then thrown away. All that hurts the environment as well. One less candle is not the way to go. Jews have been doing this for years and to believe that now someone has to bring this up, they must be bored or have nothing else to do.

Anonymous said...

Anon, these were jewish environmentalists in israel. what do they know from american christmas lights?
the specific issue was emissions from the candles which are diff than lights anyways. its so funny how people just had an agudah convention about kiruv and the minute this happens, everyone is so quick to job on the them instead of be mekaraiv them. its wembrassing to be jewish when people react this way to people who dont know any better. teach them, dont mock them. what do you gain from ridicule? just nasty blogs posts that our enemies can also read.

AS said...

No offense spinner fan but there are tons of christians in Israel who celebrate christmas. It's also a known fact that Isreali secularists hate religion and would prefer that g-d have no association with Jews. It's no coincidence that they chose chanukah. To think otherwise is being very naive.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me mr expert on the world blogmeister, but have you ever been to israel during chanukah and christmas? No xmas lights, but lots of hanukah lights and decorations, very much like american christmas (same is true for the religious neighborhoods in the days leading up to succos).
There is also a VERY BIG DIFFERENCE between Ennvironmentalists and secularists. Did you even read the articles? Rav Benny lau himself said he was an environmentalist. is a he a religion hating secularist? chas vshalom.
Most secularists in israel didnt choose to be that way, they were born into it and raised that way so thats all they know. it would hlep if the self righteous mockers reached out to them once in a while instead of serving no purpose making fun on the blogs.
Forgive me for being naive. Id rather be naive than stupid.

Anonymous said...

oh and these secualrists still stick their necks on the line so thast you can have an israel to visit and get seforim and esrogs from. so if i were you i would just say thank you and shut up.

AS said...

Spinner Fan, Sorry buddy but I won't shut up. Yes I do mock people who pick on my religious practices as a way to help the environment. Frankly, (and this is not only my opinion) many environmentalists are flat out insane. However the fact that they chose the candles as opposed to any other idea is frankly disturbing and I find it quite troubling. Calling me stupid doesn't make you right either.

Anonymous said...

so help the situation by mocking, that makes it better. why not teach them whats so great about "your religous practicies" ? huh? that might be more difficult than making fun on a blog, right?

AS said...

Spinner Fan,I see I've reached an impasse with you here:
Firstly, I can assure you none of those environmentalists are reading my blog:). Secondly I write this because I think it's humorous if you fail to see the comedy then you need to get a grip because that's how I am and if you find it offensive then I suggest you find another blog to read. I'm not changing my style to fit your views, sorry. I also disagree with your view that I have an obligation to "teach" them anything but I have no interest in going into lengthy explanation as to why. You'll just have to agree to disagree on that.