Monday, December 03, 2007

Miri Ben-Ari and Hip Hop

Miri Ben-Ari is one of the most famous violinist in the music business right now. She's a Grammy award winning musician whose fame has risen quickly among the hip hop crowd. What many people don't know is this Israeli violinist was playing Jewish Orthodox weddings for many years. . She's currently involved in a project, "Gedenk" and she seems interested in bringing the Holocaust to the forefront so that it is not forgotten and I applaud her for this effort. The problem in my humble opinion is I find it to be somewhat of a sacrilege to have a music video dedicated to the holocaust that features immodestly clad dancers. The two just don't jive. One might begin to wonder how sincere she is in her efforts to keep that flame alive or is it just a PR stunt....


Anonymous said...

this is pure loshon hora

AS said...

what that she made a video with half naked people? OK then