Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Chanukkah Presents: Some Ideas

Now that Chanukah ( or is it Hanukkah?) is upon us this evening, I will give you last minute shoppers some ideas of gifts you can purchase for your loved ones. One gift I researched well is a digital camera. After days of looking at different reviews I settled on the Cannon Powershot A630. I was able to snag it for $195.00 at the time and it seems that the demand has brought this model up in price. Another cool gift is a digital picture frame. Don't just buy any old digital frame as many don't resize your picture to fit the frame and this can become a problem especially for the less-than tech savy ( not to mention many have poor picture quality). I would like to suggest the Phillips digital photo frame. I bought a refurb and it has excellent brightness and picture quality. Looking for something less expensive?Try a silverplated menorah or a newly released CD. What are your favorite chanukah presents?


Anonymous said...

chanukah isnt christimas, there is now makor or minhag for this mayseh goyim just because it falls during the american gift giving season. this is a goyishe zach.

AS said...

Watch out people! Don't give out gifts on chanukkah lest we become like the goyim and convert it into x-mas. NO GIFTS DO YOU HEAR! Listen to this Anonymous poster he/she really knows what they are talking about...

Anonymous said...

this is purely an american modern minhag.

Anonymous said...

So is that a yes?

Anonymous said...

I really appreciate your gift ideas, I think that a digital picture frame is a great present and one that will have resonance for many years to come. Great job on the gift ideas!