JTA reports that
Rabbi Yosef Shalom Eliashiv, had suffered a deep cut to his hand while taking part in a bris ceremony. The mohel was most likely very nervous to be in the presence of an odom godol that he slipped while performing the bris and took a piece of the great Rabbi's hand. The papers have agreed not to print the mohel's name for fear of hurting his livelihood. Rabbi Eliashiv who is 97, is said to be doing well as his hand was stitched up and the baby was unharmed. As you can imagine this story created quite a stir among the hariedim.
By the way, thats not the way it happened. Rav Eliashiv was holding the baby and the baby started kicking and he lost his grip and the Mohel ran to catch the baby while he was holding the knife and by accident cut rav Eliashivs hand. So I say the Mohel did the right thing otherwise the newborn infant would have fallen to the ground.
K thanks.
Thanks for the update
Thanks for the update
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