Thursday, May 04, 2006


At this point many of you are aware of the new partnership that has been formed between HAFTR and Rambam. My friend told me he was recently at the Rambam dinner. At the dinner everyone was discussing the rumors that were floating around about the possible merger. After these discussions started getting intense on some level one of the Rabbanim ( at least I believe it was) got up and said the rumors have no basis and that the 2 shall never meet! They were attempting to squash these rumors with falsehood! They would have been better off ignoring it. There are many people who gave money to Rambam who are against this merger and are angry that this information was not made available before they opened thier wallets. I guess Rambam won't be surprised if they have a bunch of bounced checks. My friend said he has never seen a bigger lie told by so many rabannim and he would never give them a dime. Can you blame him?


The Town Crier said...

They never called it a merger. the rumor mill did.
the collaboration of resources is not a merger.

AS said...

You sound like a lawyer...will be representing Raftr now? :)

AS said...

Hey Rambam parent you are the most amusing of all. I can assusre you none of my friends nor I attended this school. For starters I'm a guy in case you haven't figured that out. As I understand Rambam is a school. Furthermore you ask that I reveal who I am when you have obviously made no attempt to say who you I missing something? As for the people who are upset well you can ask the administration who they are when the bounced checks and angry calls start to arrive. Regarding being "Jewish" I thinktyou are mixing me up with the Ramabm admin who lied. You can back Ramabam all you want and I understand why you would you are a parent as you sadmit yourself. I however never went to this yeshiva not did any of my friends for that matter.
I'm sorry this was hurtful to hear.