Friday, May 05, 2006

Kennedy and the curse........

The News that is currently being reported, is that yet another Kennedy finds himself in a mishap. Representative Patrick J. Kennedy slammed his car into a barrier on Thursday. The question being thrown around is whether or not he recieved preferential treatment by the police. This story is now getting a lot of press and Patrick is claiming Ambien is to blame and not alcohol. At this point the subject is moot since they can't test him for any of these. This and every story regarding the Kennedy's always brings to mind the legend of the curse that supposedly was thrown onto Joseph Kennedy for his refusal to help the Jews escape Nazis during Word War II. Edward Klein in his book entitled "The Kennedy Curse" has a different take on this legend.

1 comment:

DAG said...

I didnt say rabbis dont curse..only that if they did here, it wasnt working....OR the rabbi who did it was a fool....