Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Child Prank leads to Death...

I hate to start the morning off on such a morbid note but two stories recently hit me hard. The more well known story is an 9 yr old kid who killed another child accidently. The prank was pulling off the emergency break which allowed a school bus to crash into another child pinning her underneath unable to escape her death sentence. The other story is a young Jewish boy who jumped off an 8 story building in Far Rockaway. The boys had been a drug user who recently decided to go cold turkey and in a bout of depression commited suicide. There was a question as to whether he could be buried in a Jewish cemetery. The Rabbis authorized him to be buried (in har hazaizim) since he had been seeking professional help.


The Town Crier said...


AS said...

Wow! I had no idea it was his cousin my father-in-law was paying a shiva call there the other day.

Soccer Dad said...

Unless I am very wrong it is very rare that a suicide is buried separately anymore. Usually suicides are treated as having been ill; or having repented when it was too late to change the outcome.

AS said...

No idea but certainly a Rabbi must be contacted.