Thursday, April 27, 2006

Is it En Vouge to be Jewish?

This article cetainly seems to think so. Whether we are discussing Matisyahu, Gwenyth Paltrow or Madonna Esther, it seems to be the "in thing" to be Jewish in this day and age . As the article points out what where Tom and Katie thinking naming their kid Suri? What do you think?


The Town Crier said...

Gwyneth Paltrow comes from a long rabbinic dynasty on her father's saide. Her mother is not jewish though.
But on the side of her late father, Bruce Paltrow whose family is originally from Minsk:

The Paltrowitch family tree goes back to 17th-century Russia. In fact, Paltrow can count a whopping 33 rabbis among her ancestors. Her great-great-great grandfather was Rabbi Tsvi Paltrowitch, the Gaon of Nitzy-Novgorod in Southwest Russia. His three sons, all rabbis, emigrated from Russia in the l9th century. One Simcha Paltrowitch served as rabbi in Buffalo, New York from l890 to l914. Another son emigrated to England and founded the Old Central Synagogue in Leeds. Rabbi Nachum Paltrowich, of the Leeds Paltrowitches, is an enthusaistic genealogist, and he reports that Gynweth Paltrow is a direct descendant of Rabbi David Ben Samuel Ha-Levi, a famous 17th-century authority on Jewish law.

AS said...

Thanks for that inside look.