Thursday, March 30, 2006

Wedding Orchestra Saga 1.0

In NY there is a proliferation of orchestras and things have been getting worse over time. You might think there is enough business for everyone but that certainly seems not be the case. I have recently spoken to a friend of mine who is a first rate keyboard player. He told me he was booked for most Sundays but the now coveted weeknights are non existent. He stays home most of the week now and is considering a regular day job of sorts. When a keyboardist like him has such a small amount of work, what does that say about the industry as a whole? You may have read on BloginDM that one of the big issues are bands cutting prices to the point there is not much profit. It's certainly a cut throat business and has become even more so as of late. Where is this all headed? What will become of these musicians who rely on this income in a major way?


Avi said...

Where is it headed? A bunch of the businesses will tank. Generally the worse off ones but I can't say that is a hard and fast rule. Once they tank, there won't be that many choices -- in fact a shortage. Prices will skyrocket. Then some new bands will come back into the market and prices will go back to "normal" levels. Equilibrium. Then others will enter the market and prices will tank and it will be much like the situation you describe. Then back to above.

It's called the market.

AS said...

I'm sorry but I must disagree with you there. There will never be a shortage since you have these people popping up eveywhere. They work from their houses they have no overhead so they can afford to give bands away for next to nothing. People sometimes are only interested in price the quality be damned. There are others who care about the quality and they will turn to a major office who can satisfy their musical needs.

AS said...

Escpecially if he's a left that out.