Monday, December 05, 2005

DovBear and Ezzie ...Them fightin words....

DovBear takes Ezzie to task. What's with all the name calling? What ever happened to:


DovBear said...

Like I told Ezzie, he has been running posts which falselly claim that I was "shredded" and that "no one agrees with me"

Why don't you link to those, too, seeing as how you are all about "fighting fair" right?

AS said...

Wow the great dovbear has graced me with his precsence :: bowing to the floor::.
I'm not "all about fighting fair" only on this post sorry.

Ezzie said...

Heh. Ah, DovBear... that's not what I said, and I retracted what I did say. And I never call him names. :) How's that for fair?

Funny post!