Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Decorum at Weddings/Bar-Mitzvahs...

I was recently singing at a Bar-Mitzvah and I was really appalled by some of the behavior I witnessed. You probably think I'm referring to the children but actually it was the adults. There seems to be a rule that you must shmooze in the shmorg room as long as possible. Even though you have been told numerous times to move into another room for speeches. No, you can't be bothered by petty things like that! After all you didn't come to hear this young man speak but rather to drink and have a good ol' time. The caterer made several requests for people to move into the main sanctuary so they could set up the rest of the room. Few people made an attempt to leave, even after the lights where shut off. Why is it for example that people find the need to talk during the chupa? It is so inappropriate not to mention cell phones ringing and the like. When will they learn.....

1 comment:

Batya said...

It'll probably only get worse, sorry to tell you.