Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Eat here & get married? Live Music and Halacha....

Talia's Steakhouse - is pushing itself as a matchmaker restaraunt. Check out the website it's interesting to say the least. They also have live music which is rare to find at any kosher restaurant. A friend of mine used to love eating at Le Marais since besides the good stakes, they had the Armen Donelian trio. They stopped the live music night for some reason or another ( you may see soon what it could have been). I was always curious how you where allowed to have live music in a restaurant in the first place. There is a stricter prohibition against eating and listening to live music then just live music alone. If one looks at Rabbi Moshe Fienstien's Zt'l sefer "Igros Moshe" ( see O"C 1:166) he says music after the destruction (certainly Live music) of the Bais Hamikdash (Temple) is not permitted. The exception of course is a Sudos Mitzvah (a meal that is a mitzvah, e.g. Wedding). Perhap Talia's is relying on the idea that by promoting this night as matchmaking night it's a mitzvah and therefore live music is permitted? Perhaps the OK Labs would comment on this? ( They are the ones giving the kosher supervision to this Talia's restaurant after all).

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