Saturday, June 25, 2005

Why a minyan does not include women...

I heard an interesting idea in the name of the Rav this past shabbos. Pashas Shelach is the source for the concept of the need for a minyan when davening. The pasuk states, "‘Until when, for this evil like-minded assembly(eida), that provokes complaints against Me…"(Bamidbar 14:27). You then have Rashi who brings the Talmud (Megillah 23) explaining that eida refers to a minayn. The Rav explains that the fact that we need a minyan comes from this terrible act. When one is involved with a minyan he is doing the exact opposite of what the spies did, he is praising G-d. In a sense he is making up for their sin. Since women where not involved in this terrible sin, they have no part of this mitzvah.


Reuven Chaim Klein said...
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Reuven Chaim Klein said...

that Rav makes a good point.

(the first comment that I deleted said "you make a good point")