Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Jewish Music stores are not paying....

I can't reveal my source but there seems to be a growing problem in the Jewish music store scene. One of the JM distributors has complained that many stores are not coughing up the dough within their respective times (90 days I think). This is leading to this particular distributor not to take on new artists since he can't pay them back for sales made since he's not getting paid by the stores. These stores are making a fortune on these CD's and can't pay up?! What nerve! If your store doesn't have the latest and the greatest CD you are looking for, it may not be because they were sold out. Perhaps they didn't pay the distributor the money they were supposed to. Stores like that should be boycotted. Stay tuned.....


Anonymous said...

old news...been going on for a while.
If it wasnt for the YU seforim sale the distributors would have nothing to live on waiting for the overpriced stores to pay up.
It is bad enough that no one blows the whistle on the insane markups at the stores, they can at least afford to honor their obligations to the distributors. The distributors should not be tolerating this at all - and at the very least should just stop doing business with ganovim.

AS said...

Intersting so are you saying that YU single handedly keeps the Jewish Music scene running?

Anonymous said...

some of the mochrim / dsitributors gain a significant portion of their annual yearly income just from the yu seforim sale alone.