Tuesday, June 21, 2005

How to save money on gas....

With gas prices at an all time high, I thought I should educate some of my readers on how to save money at the pump .

Here are some of my top picks for saving on fuel:
1) Don't floor the accelerator. 2) Don't use your air conditioner. 3) Inflate your tires properly 4) Drive slower (speeding lowers fuel economy by as much as 15%) 5) Park in the shade(gas evaporates). 6) Make sure your gas cap is on tight. Now here lies the air conditioner dilemma though: You should keep windows closed when traveling at highway speeds. Open windows cause air drag, reducing your mileage by 10%. Perhaps by using air conditioning on the highway you about break even?

Here is an interesting idea:
Buy gasoline during coolest time of day - early morning or late evening is best. During these times gasoline is densest. Keep in mind - gas pumps measure volumes of gasoline, not densities of fuel concentration. You are charged according to "volume of measurement".

Hope this helps

1 comment:

AS said...

Good point!