In response to a posting by MOC about the mentalblog and Matisyahu.
He writes that the Yeshivas are snuffing out the musical talent that would allow there to be a Jewish versions of Anthrax and the like. I guess the questions is what do you believe the Yeshivas job is? Is it to push all of a student talents music or otherwise or till instill in him or her true torah values? I would say it's the latter.I think it's the parents choice to promote their musical ability. If he was referring to the fact that Rabbanim are coming out against certain styles of music that promotes promiscuity and "hefgairos" I can see their point, not that I agree 100%. Music can certainly be dangerousc when used in the wrong way as it typically is in Rap if you can call it music. The language used in many of the hip hop and rock songs these days does send a good message to our children. Last but not least there is plenty of great frum talent out there I should know, I work with them. If they don't feel like promoting an album or working on a specific type of music the masses will love whose problem is that?
There is no such thing as a talented musician who has been frum his whole life.
Velvel if you wish to post, I suggest keeping all your "brilliant" ideas preferably to 1 comment.
I suppose because you don’t know of anyone who HAS been frum his whole life and is mega talented musically that such a person does not exist? What are you smoking?! Just because you have it in for the yeshiva community does not make your opinions fact. I have some choice words for people like yourself who make generalities and lump everyone in the same boat becuause of something they wear on thier heads. The problem Velvel is you never took statistics as a course and if you did you would know that the small amount of people that you actually DOknow don't make a big enough sample size to base your opinions on.
Your comments about rap and other musical genres ("if you can call it that") are ignorant and racist.
There is no such thing as a frum accelerated arts program. Prove me wrong.
I'll take the time to keep my comments together after I'm sure I'm done thinking about your always "insightful" posts if you promise to take the time and use proper grammar and punctuation.
Also, if I make a separate comment for each thought, it'll be easier for you to delete the ones you don't like.
Why is it a Yeshivas responsibility to promote music? I thought it was to promote torah. If one wishes to pursue music he takes music lessons like I have. Furthermore if I don't consider Rap music that's my opinion and there is nothing racist about it. Let's say I think pop is not music is that racist too? Get real!
The purpose of a school is to promote a healthy child. Telling a child talented in music but not as talented with Torah to not play is the Yeshiva's responsibility.
Your tirade against the language used in rap completely misses the point. How is the language of Matisyahu dangerous in any way? How does language of the typical rap, which you don't listen to, affect Matisyahu's music?
"Telling a child talented in music but not as talented with Torah to not play is the Yeshiva's responsibility." This is a bizarre sentence..I'll assume that some yeshiva that you know of, told some kid he shouldn't play music, because he was not doing well in his torah studies? Well if he was incollege and not doing well in psychology he might ask that he focus more on his studies.
You have some strange ideas.
Or the answer is to get out of college.
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