Monday, March 27, 2006

Eli Gerstner being review by JM in the AM....

Eli Gerstner will be debuting the great Teknoy ( in other words he's debuting himself as my previous post explains) on Nachum Seagal this Thursday.

Here are the top ten questions my readers should call and ask ( any other suggestions are welcome).

1) Do you really think anyone listens to this (pick an adjective of choice)?

2) How does it feel to produce an album with yourself?

3) Why does it seem like a group but sound like you?

4) Can you dance?

5) What ever encouraged you to produce this ( again the adjective)?

6) Did you ever consider calling it Tek-annoyed?

7) Do you think the JM industry is diluted with bad material?

8) How long did it take to produce this album? (after answer .....say not true!)

9) Do you mind that people do karoke online movies to your songs?

10) Which album that you have produced do you like the least?

Update: If you want to read more on this musical genius check out BloginDM.


Chaim said...

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

AS said...

::bowing:: Thank you, thank you...

AS said...

Annoyed it's pretty strange but did you censor yourself my email copy has a different word which I'm glad does not need forr such graphic languauge however.