Tuesday, August 31, 2004

More on Israel espionage

The probe into Larry Franklin, a Pentagon analyst suspected of passing U.S. secrets about Iran to the Israeli government might be coming to a close.

"Investigators are trying to determine whether Franklin passed highly classified material about Bush administration policy on Iran to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the major Israeli lobbying group in Washington, and whether AIPAC in turn passed it to Israel." Reports the Naytimes.com

Jews deciding the vote in Florida?

Republican leaders are now saying the Jewish vote will decide the outcome in the state of Florida. This kind of publicity scares me....It gives gentiles the idea that we run the world etc.

Who put the Jew in Jewish Music?

It looks like Velvel had an interesting rant session on the Yahoo Jewish Music Message Boards.
It seems to have boiled down to what makes Jewish Music Jewish? That answer will certainly depend on who you are talking to. I'm certainly not going to get into some philosophical debate on the subject, but I will say this in response to some points brought out on the thread he listed. It is only normal for music to be somewhat influenced by the culture that surrounds it. You can argue that grunge music is not all that musical and one would be entitled to that opinion. Heavy Metal and grunge are certainly not for everybody (myself included) and perhaps may not be considered "Jewish" because they bring out a very wild and uninhibited feeling. This is why a lot of Rabbis are against the Rock and Roll heard these days on many popular Jewish recordings. I would have to disagree with the idea that AF and MBD have absolutely no connection with their original material. I think a lot of their tunes are very inspiring (they have published a lot in the past decade) and how can one possibly know that anyway? Why not give the benefit of the doubt? Bottom line I don't think showtunes are "Jewish" and I don't think anybody should be using them in conjunction with Davening although Halachicly there may not be a problem with it.

Required Reading....

As posted by MoChassid an excellent article regarding our current war with terrorism.

She could not handle chassidus so she made a movie instead.

A movie released just yesterday entitled "Divan" deals with a Jewish girl (Pearl Gluck) from an ultra orthodox background. She sees her religion as to confining for her taste so she decides to move on and see the world. Her movie discusses a strange tale concerning an ancestral couch upon which esteemed rabbis slept, Pearl Gluck travels from her Hasidic community in Brooklyn to her roots in Hungary. Maybe I'll become Modern-Orthodox and I'll do a movie on my Yeshiva Background..going back to my roots in the glowing bright lights of the various Yeshivas I learned in. I'll be in search of an ancestral pill box my great Rebbe used....ok maybe not.

Top 40 Hits brought to you by the Jews....

I don't have cable but it seems there was a Biography done by A&E dubbed the "Hitmakers".
There evidently have been many hit tunes that were written by Jewish songwriters including:
You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling ... Up on the Roof ... Breaking Up is Hard to Do ... Leader of the Pack ... Save the Last Dance for Me ... Walk on By ... Hound Dog ...Etc. Pretty interesting...

Creating trust between Arab and Jew?

In an attempt to promote peace between Arabs and Jews in the middle east,activists (who else?) are deploying an ancient reconciliation process to the Monterey Bay next Monday. Not sure this is the answer...when they take out the part about killing in the Koran then we can start...maybe.

Gay Avek....

Here is a story concerning a Virginia Congressman retiring from office after allegations of Homosexual activity. What did McGreevy start here?

The Ethics of Copying or Downloading Music.

Is it ok to download music for free? Rabbi Belsky:"Rabbi Moshe Feinstein ztl said that it's not permitted to copy any item that is being sold by the creator of that item. Every time you copy it, you're taking away sales from him. Anybody who downloads it, copies it, or does something else is really just turning someone else's money into ashes. And that's really the bottom line. It's taking something from someone else. " Any comments?

Jews for ...Bush.

In the spirit of the Republican convention I checked out this website..very informative. I can't really understand why any Jew would want to vote for Kerry to be honest, but that's my opinion.

Bus Bombing in Israel!

As reported by Arutz Sheva:Double bus bombing have rocked the southern town of Be'er Sheva, killing 12 - some reports say 14 - and wounding 98, including close to 15 seriously. Police are on high alert nationwide. Donate to victims of terror whose lives have been torn apart by these atrocities.

Need a Free Loan?

I heard this on the radio this morning:

There is an association that offers interest free loans to people who qualify. This is a great service for people who would otherwise be looking for charity. Spread the word!

Monday, August 30, 2004

Jews abandoning Judaism.

I stumbled upon this posting regarding the destruction of the Jewish population ( in the wake of intermarriage and the like). It reminded me of Dr. Laura and her abandoning of Judaism.
As a great Rabbi once said "today we live in a disposable society....There are disposable forks, spoons, diapers ..... And marriages" his speech was in reference to the fact that people are so quick to divorce these days... I think he should have included Religion.

Klezmer Festival goes back to its roots.

The annual Safed Klezmer Festival in its 17th annual concert, will be hosting Simply Tsfat for the very first time. Nice to see these guys on the scene for a change.

Dave Matthews removing the stink?

Regarding the article Dave Matthew stinks.....the story continues:

The Dave Matthews Band pleaded for patience from its fans and the people of Chicago as police continued to investigate allegations that a bus the band used dumped human waste onto a tour boat in the Chicago River earlier this month.......

The suit charges both the band and Wohl with violating state water pollution laws, as well as common law public nuisance laws. It seeks a penalty of $60,000 for the water pollution violation and $10,000 for a permit violation, according to the Illinois Attorney General's office

Well it doesn't look like there will be any jail time involved so all Matthew fans can breath easy.

Where is the Republican Convention?

The New York Times (Slimes) seemed to have forgotten to edit this Op-Ed article out, concerning the lack of coverage of the Republican Convention. It's writen by the Commisioner who happens to be democrat, I must say I'm suprised they published this.

Write to FCC to complain if you choose.

We are the New Diarists!

We have been dubbed the new diarist by the Jewish Week..what an honor:)

Speaking of Athens....

A defrocked Irish priest with a history of disrupting sports events was given a one-year suspended sentence and fined $3,600 Monday for grabbing a runner who was leading the Olympic marathon with three miles to go.

Talk about getting off lightly......

Jews for Jesus Strike Again!

They are out in droves, now that the High-Holy Days are approaching.

The local three-week Jews for Jesus campaign, planned to come during the High Holidays, is part of a five-year international effort begun in 2001 to reach Jews in Israel and 65 other cities, each with Jewish populations of more than 25,000. Organizers call these Behold Your God (BYG) cities, referring to a phrase in Isaiah 40:9 they use for their own purposes. In the next four months alone, the BYG campaign will take its message to Denver, San Diego, Paris, Houston and San Paulo, Brazil. Hundreds of trained missionaries currently are working the streets of Washington, D.C.

These guys are a serious threat to the Jewish community.
Support Anti missionaries!

When In Athens Do as the Greeks Do?

The Olympics may have come to a close but a new restaurant, Kol Tov is staying open. I always love checking out a new place to eat.

The Jewish Singing Duo Rally to Support Israel.

Looking to release a new song warning against remaining silent in the face of violence. Evan and Jaron are to form a concert for terror victims of Israel.

Shlocky Rock....

In an article by the LA TIMES talking about Jewish Rock:

Though its fan base and CD sales do not rival those of the enormous Christian rock movement, Jewish rock is growing with the performances, recordings and influence of artists like Nichols and Rick Recht, lead singer of the Rick Recht Band. Many in the Jewish community recognize the genre's power in teaching young people the value of Jewish culture and making them feel it's cool....

Nichols and Recht aren't the first musicians to use Jewish heritage in a contemporary way. They follow in the footsteps of Debbie Friedman who, for about 30 years, has performed Hebrew songs with a folk twist — including guitar accompaniment — and is widely credited with fueling the contemporary Jewish music trend. Producer Craig Taubman started performing Jewish rock more than 20 years ago, and his songs reach the adult scene more than the teenage world....

At first glance, a viewer might mistake a DVD of the Rick Recht Band performing live for a scene from a Dave Matthews Band concert. Hundreds of Jewish youths surround a circular stage eyeing Recht, who is dressed in blue jeans and a long-sleeved red shirt. As he stands at the microphone, equipped with his acoustic guitar, hands clap and arms wave in the air. Recht leans into the mike and begins: "This is the hope." His audience, eyes bright and bodies bouncing to the beat, return the words in high-pitched voices: "This is the hope." The call and response continue through the first verse: "The hope is still real. A Jewish home, in Yisrael."

And you thought Orthodox Jewish Music has problems...talk about commercializing it.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Chassidic Rock Star Film to be Released:

Tina Fey and Paramount are getting ready to collaborate yet again:

The studio has picked up the rights to Curly Oxide and Vic Thrill in a deal worth a mid-six against seven figures. Lorne Michaels and John Goldwyn will produce the project for the studio.
Curly Oxide tells the true story of the unlikely pairing of a Hasidic Jew and a rock musician who form a bond, and ultimately, a band. One day Curly Oxide, a stage name, walked into a Brooklyn bar where Thrill had been playing his tunes. They soon struck up a conversation, and a mutual interest in music led Thrill to invite Curly to his recording studio. During his visit, Curly and Thrill began mixing their musical styles and cultural backgrounds to create playful lyrics and songs.

I would like to call upon MoChassid (being a that Chassid is his name) to give a full review upon it's debut.
It should prove to be one interesting film.

Yiddish Part lll

Here is another article showing that Yiddish is making a come back:

Decades after fading around the dinner table, Yiddish is rising as a language of the lectern.
It's no secret that interest in Yiddish - the venerable, evocative tongue once spoken by millions of European Jews - is blossoming among American Jews eager to reclaim their roots. But Yiddish is growing as a subject of academic inquiry, as well as personal interest.
Classes are sprouting not only in synagogues and community centers, but on college campuses nationwide. Enrollment in U.S. college Yiddish courses rose between 1998 and 2002 by 30 percent, almost twice the overall rate of growth in foreign-language study, according to the Modern Language Association's federally sponsored surveys.
The total is small - only 440 students nationwide as of fall 2002 - but there's enough interest to support full-fledged programs in Yiddish and related studies at Harvard, Columbia and Ohio State universities, among others.

I wonder if I'll be speaking it fluently in the years to come....

Friday, August 27, 2004

Anti-Semitism and Music

Mikis Theodorakis, a renowned composer of more than 1000 songs, 5 symphonies, ballets and film scores for 'Phaedra', 'Z', 'Elektra', 'Zorba the Greek'; 'Serpico', 'Iphigenia'etc. He says" I don't believe there is anti-Semitism in Europe" and that "Jews control America". This is scary stuff....

Dave Matthews Stinks

For those of you Dave Mathew fans out there, here is an article that proves Dave and crew are not so clean.

Ruach Hakodesh Response

In response to MoChassid on the argument (which I knew would start) of whether Ruach Hakodesh exists today or not, here is my take on it:As a rule it no longer exists. I like to think of Ruach Hakodesh as a watered down version of Nevuah and even more watered is S'yatah D'shmaya. This is what holy people have today, some stronger than others.

Cantorial Concert coming up...

Cantors World presents Lishmoa El Ha'Rina V'el Ha'tefilah, NYC, Sep 8
A Pre-High Holiday Concert. Featuring Cantors Ari Klein, Pinchas Cohen, Moshe Stern, Pinchas Rabinovitch and Dovid Weinbach. Daniel Gildar on the Piano. At Merkin Concert Hall - Goodman House 129 W. 67th St. New York, NY.

I saw Ari Klien a few times at his shteler the Park East Synogouge. He happens to be quite good. I was performing an acapella job one shabbos and Park East was the closest shul available. Fri night we went to daven and about 11 men show up and they had Ari Klien. I remember thinking how comical it was to be hiring a professional Cantor for just a minyan of people. We came the next day and a few more people showed. Here is the funny part.... during davening.. I believe it was in the middle of kedusha...someone was humming together with Ari. Ari was really showing off that shabbos and he was so furious at this guy that he turned around while still hitting a real high note and stared him down! It was the most comical thing I ever saw a Cantor do and I had to hold my laugh in...it wasn't easy.

Avraham Fried on the big screen?

Chabad’s 24th annual “L’Chaim-To Life” telethon will air live September 12, 2004, from 5 pm to midnight PST, in major markets including Los Angeles (KCAL-9), New York (WLNY-55), S. Francisco (KTSF-26) and Las Vegas (KFBT-33), with simultaneous live coverage on the internet via www.AskMoses.com. I wonder who will be on that night?

The King of Klezmer Speaks...

Giora Feidman, whose "wistful clarinet solos on the soundtrack of Schindler's List moved millions", speaks about his philosophy on music. He states "Religion cannot survive without music, but music can exist without religion." I'm not so sure that's true......can Judiasm survive without music? Perhaps...

Coming to your computer.....Cyberspace pulpit.

Rabbi Yakov Menken wants to bring streamin audio (for a fee) of your favorite radio striaght to your computer, palm pilot etc. Good going Rabbi.

Missionary Music in Russia

Music is a very scary thing sometimes. In Russia it seems missionaries are using a new tactic to convert Jews: Jewish Music Festivals . I hope that doesn't start creeping up here to the states.
To support the russian anti-missionary group Click here which is certainly a very worthy cause.

Yiddish Part ll

This article claims that Yiddish as a language, is making a come back ( at least in the academic sense). Does that mean in 10 Yrs. from now we'll be hearing more Yiddish tunes on recordings. Remember all the Yiddish songs that MBD & Fried etc. used to sing? They then opted for original Hebrew songs. Lately a lot of recording artists are even moving away from English songs on their albums. Why is that? Well I think it's because a) Not too many people can write one b) They usually aren't too popular so why not put in a song that might "make it" .

More Bizarre Jewish News

A person who supposedly "pioneered the Jewish country music genre" is running for Texas Governor. This is one strange story ladies and gentleman.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Ballroom Dancing in Yiddish only!

This album takes the cake... What an interesting idea, would you like to slow dance the frielach? Now you to can: Dance away to Yiddish tunes..

Chulent the California Way!

Enjoy this chulent if you dare. Hopefully it won't create any of those California Earthquakes in it's aftermath.

The new Shabbos Coffee:

Courtesy of Yadayada:

The new way to make your coffee this shabbos. Who would have thunk?

Succos Concert in Seattle...

If you will be in Seattle this succos you can check out Yossi Piamenta.


With the World Renowned Musician Yossie Piamenta and the Od Yeshma Band. at Congregation Shaarei Tefilah-Lubavitch 6250 43rd Avenue NE, Seattle 98105- 7:15 p.m.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Israel the Land of (Olympic) Gold

Israel gets it's first gold medal in the Olympics! Way to go!

Shiney Shoe V.S. The Real Deal lll

MoChassid Clarifies on the Shiney Shoe:
I am not suggesting that song writers be destitute. I am suggesting that if money is the only factor motivating the writing of a song, it's unlikely that any particular ruach hakodesh is going to come down to you in the process.

I think he makes a very valid point there is only one problem.. There is no more ruach hakodesh.

The last person documented with ruach hakodesh was the Premishlaner ( I can see an argument brewing here). I will settle for Siyatah D'shmaya. I don't necessarily believe that all song writers currently in Jewish Music only write for the purposes of making money. Perhaps the reason those songs aren't any good is a lack of creativity and talent. The argument lives on.......

Free Stuff for Yamaha Keyboard Users

Here is a site where you can download free Style Files to jazz up your auto accompaniment.

The Israel's are making a stink....

Remember those stink bombs kids loved to use in school? Well the Israel's the have developed a more potent version.

Anyone have a new name for a Wedding Hall?

In response to BloginDM regarding all of the recent halls being named Ateres.......

I think the next hall should be named Ateres Zikainim...An exclusive hall for those getting married over the age of 65. There will be a senior citizen discount of course and it will "cater" to the needs..... all right I'll stop here.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Jewish Music Festival

Neil Sedaka will be appearing at the NY jewish music and heritage festival. Not to mention Matisyahu of recent fame at South Street Seaport. I haven't seen this dude yet but I bet it's interesting. I'm wondering if it's the first time a Religious Jew got some playing time on national television. I'm pretty sure it's not since the first Religious Jews to get top 40 recognition probably were first.

Shiny Shoe V.S. The Real Deal II

Psychotoddler speaks out against the Shiny Shoe!:

I think what MOChassid means is that these producers are manufacturing songs, calculated to be popular, based on what seems to be selling, and not necessarily based on what they really feel is good music. And so it has no "neshama". As a song writer, I can tell you that musical taste is very subjective, and just because I like what I write, it doesn't mean it's going to be commercially successful. But for the sake of purity in art, I try to be true to my musical neshama. And commercial success is certainly no indicator of quality.Welcome to the Blogosphere!

Shiny Shoe v.s.The Real Deal

Mo Chassid writes on the discussions regarding the inability for the JM industry to write good music. He seems to blame it on their motivation "money". The fact that the session players may be somewhat "removed" from the music they are playing is irrelevant etc. I think he's on to something but I think it falls short of the truth. You can have the best intentions but without some talent you aren't going to write anything decent. If you are talented however, and you decide you would like to be a benefit song writer who says it's bad because you make a living writing tunes? Isn't it possible you can think about what the words mean and write an inspiring song/melody to match it? People have done and still are ( you might want to say it's somewhat less likely to be a good song?).

Why are there no good tunes these days?

Regarding a post by Hassidic Musician

I think there are no good songs because artists are afraid. What do I mean? They want to go with a name everyone knows. Yossi Green,Yitzy Bald etc.
Therefore there are generally only a handful of song writers and they are the same on most albums. That would explain why some of it sounds the same.
If people would be more open minded and introduce songs by lesser known song writers I think some people might find some better material out there.
Lately there have been some new song writers on the scene such as Yaakov Gifter(wrote for Ophie Nat), Yo Eisenstark and Yitzy Waldner. I think people are afraid to try something new, for fear of what the public might decide about their album and they would lose a lot of money on sales. I would like to know why since the invention of the Hora a new drum beat has been introduced. I think as production costs start coming down more and more we will see new ideas and creativity come on the JM scene.