Friday, December 18, 2009

Kosher Product Review: Cream Cheese

Moving from NY to Houston takes a little getting used to. It's great living here but the amenities in the kosher department are not as great as the big apple. We have no kosher Chinese restaurant and the pizza could be better. I however try to find the diamond in the rough and I think I stumbled upon something . That something is cream cheese by Lucerne. Lucerne is a food manufacturer for private labeling and they do a lot of business with Safeway stores. Randall's carries these lines and you can't get this stuff on the east coast. Lucerne has a whole line of cream cheeses as well as limited editions such as pumpkin spice. My favorite are their vegetable which comes in regular and whipped versions. I got an 8 oz. package on sale for just 99 cents. This product taste just as good if not better than the high end cream cheese they sell in bagel stores for $4-$5 a pound. I also tried a mix berry flavor whipped and it is out of this world. There were some other flavors that were interesting such as cranberry orange. Move over philidalphia make way for Lucerene!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice blog. I like cheese and curd very much. The post seems to be informative and interesting one. Thanks for sharing it here. By the way have you heard about one of my favorite restaurant Eretz kosher Foods. They are providing such a good quality kosher foods and dishes. And providing good customer services with almost all the varieties of foods.