Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Men Moving Away From Judaism

JP-A new study released just this Sunday by Brandeis University shows and interesting change in the attitudes of non-orthodox Jews. Until now it had been non- orthodox women leaving the fold it what they believed to be a chauvinistic religion. The tide is changing and now it's the non-orthodox men who are moving away from Judaism:"Men invest less of their human capital into Jewishness," said study co-author Sylvia Barack Fishman, a professor of contemporary Jewish life in the Near Eastern and Judaic Studies Department at Brandeis. "This is a matter of deep concern, because minority groups with high amounts of ethnic capital are much more successful at transmitting their culture to the next generation." Interesting the study made note of:"Without advocating single-sex education, it is critical to recognize that programs geared to Jewish boys and men - and to Jewish girls and women - create positive connections to Jews and Jewishness, beginning with the preschool years and extending over the life cycle of the individual".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Only someone could save these poor souls.