Monday, August 27, 2007

Rabbi Ovadiah Comes Under Fire

Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef has come under some serious criticism for comments he allegedly made recently during his weekly speech. He stated that the reasons for Israeli soldiers dying at war was due to their lack of religion i.e. not keep shabbos and putting on teffilin, not praying etc.. The article points out that his comments had little effect on the secular population as they generally ignore his comments. Rather it was the religious that were very hurt as the article explains:David Einhorn, whose son was killed in the Lebanon War, strongly criticised the rabbi for his comments. Mr Einhorn said his son was killed just before putting on phylacteries (boxes containing scriptures) for prayer. Something tells me however that this is not exactly what Rabbi Ovadiah said. I would love to see the transcript myself.

1 comment:

Jacob Da Jew said...

"Something tells me however that this is not exactly what Rabbi Ovadiah said. I would love to see the transcript myself."

Dude, thats what he said. Take a look at Rafi G's blog, he has the clip there.