Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Snickers, Twix: Not Kosher?

Masterfoods the manufacturer of some of the most well known kosher chocolate, such as Snickers, Twix and Milky Way will be changing it's ingredients to include animal products. This will mean should there not be a change in this plan, some of your favorite chocolate will no longer be certified kosher. Maybe I should stock up on those kosher Twix bars and sell them on Ebay?

Update: The London Beis Din after looking into the matter that although animal ingredients are used it's kosher any whey.


Anonymous said...

the london beis din put out a press release saying, based on a teshuva of r' moshe, that they are still kosher.

AS said...

Thanks for the update!

Anonymous said...

And of course this was the company which makes Mars bars in Britain, and wouldn't have had an effect on the American product anyway.

AS said...

shmendrick, interesting point but I wasn't sure they wouldn't start doing the same thing here.

Anonymous said...

they are dropping the plan and will not use any animal biproducts