Thursday, March 08, 2007

Tried a New Kosher Drink By Coca Cola....

I caught a glimpse of this new drink by Coca Cola so I decided to give it a try for my readers. As it turned out, this is a diet drink of sorts which the company claims will result in weight loss. The combination of it's concentrated green tea extract and caffeine would make those pounds melt away. This of course has gotten the soda giant into some trouble. I of course, was simply curious as to the taste. I also needed a boost of energy at the time and was hoping this can could deliver. It did, on the energy end.The taste however left a lot to be desired. After the liquid entered my body I started to ask..did coke have a taste panel drink this before they released this to the public (and are they still alive to discuss their thoughts)? Are they trying to kill their image as king of the carbonated world? These and other questions entered my mind, suffice it to say I will not be trying another one of these drinks and neither should you...the end!(Needless to say it did not make the best of kosher food series).


Avi said...

I've had it, it's gross!

Anonymous said...

the best drink ever and its kosher too plus the test is greaaaat

Anonymous said...

so i heard that coca cola it has alcohol and some pigs stuff what about enviga can some one tell me plzzz

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