Monday, November 27, 2006

Turkey film pulled out of US for Anti-Semitism..

A film that was a blockbuster in it's native country of Turkey and was set to be released in two theaters in Los Angeles and one in San Francisco was quickly pulled. The film, Valley of the Wolves was considered Anti-Semitic in that it portrayed a Jewish doctor (played by Gary Busey) in the American army who cuts out the organs of Iraqis at the Abu Ghraib prison and sells them to wealthy clients in New York, London and Tel Aviv. The article points out that the doctor is not even considered the villain in this gruesome story but rather it is Billy Zane (left picture). He and his men shoot up an Iraqi wedding party, killing the groom in the presence of the bride and a little boy in front of his mother. The ADL was involved in preventing it's release:
Turkey's ambassador to the US, ADL leaders expressed concern at "the incendiary anti-Jewish and anti-American themes and characters in the film" and pointed to previous inquiries about the wide availability of anti-Semitic publications in Turkey. The movie was considered by Turks a payback of sort for the 1978 film Midnight Express, in which some Americans and Britons are caught trying to leave Turkey with a stash of hashish, thrown into a hellish prison and viciously mistreated.

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