Wednesday, July 26, 2006

PR on Israel and peace keepers....

Life-of-Rubin has a good post on the PR situation for Israel in the media. You probably already heard about the 4 UN peacekeepers that were ly killed by Israel. My question however is real simple. What the heck are peacekeepers doing in a war zone?! Not to mention these guys weren't keeping the peace any more than you are I would be sitting behind your computer.


Chaim said...

Shloimy, you have to have seen last nights interview with Paula Zahn and Israeli Chief Counsel Aryeh Mekel. She basically grills him like he is a terrorist and multiple times tries to get to him to admit that they did purposely bomb the UN workers. Although U.N. and workers seems to be an oxymoron.

AS said...

Sorry I missed it.