Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Introducing New Jewish Album: Pi Shnayim It's about time!

Or is it! These songs by Pi Shnayim have not been released yet.

Who is Pi Shinayim you ask? Well it's 2 guys I have sung a capella in the past.
They are Sholom Jacobs (A Scottish fellow who sang a capella for bar mitzvahs residing in Far Rockaway) and Aryeh Pearlman (former Bitachon singer from Brooklyn).

They have been working on this album for years (about 5 perhaps?). I was told they recorded stuff and then scratched most of what they had and started again and then Sholom got married etc.. I actually believed it would never see the light of day but it looks like it's almost here. I never would have paired up these two personally. They are different in almost everyway but perhaps that might this album interesting. Sholom has a more cantorial style with a warm thick sound while Pearlman's voice is thinner but crisper perhaps.

Songs composed by Yossi Green, Moshe & Eli Laufer, and Avraham Zamist
(new guy?).

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