Monday, July 11, 2005

Keeping Kosher saved his life! London story...

This story, which took place in London was recently relayed to me. I believe it showcases hashgacha protis (Divine Providence):

The full story is as follows: He went to breakfast with a friend who is Kosher. The friend’s breakfast came with bacon on it, which caused him to return it, and made them 10 minutes late. On their way to the subway they heard and felt the explosion. The subway was closed so they walked to work, unaware what had really happened. Had the friend not returned the food they may have been on the train but definitely would have been on a train in the tube, which would have been a real bummer. Several of his friends were on the train, non-hurt but many had blood on them from others and required a look over by EMT’s. At work He found out what happened but never knew the scale of it until he got back to his room and saw it on TV. His 20-minute walk home took 3 hours and was not enjoyable at all. His dorm was sealed off but with proper ID was escorted in by Police. They were to sleep there and had a group meeting scheduled to advise the kids what the plans will be, which we do not know. His dorm is exactly in the middle of all the blasts. He is in very good spirits and not worried. His mother is fine also.


SemGirl said...

Hinei Lo Yishan Shomer Yisroel
Thanks for sharing that..

AS said...

Sem girl: You are quite welcome.