Sunday, February 13, 2005

Something is not so Kosher in Brooklyn...

So I'm at my parents this past shabbos. My father tells me the following story and my mouth just dropped.Evidently a Kosher meat shop in Brooklyn named "Kosher Spot" was running a scam and got caught red. They were selling meat which was not Glatt kosher as Glatt. To make matter worse they had a box of plumbas (the metal Kosher seal which are always affixed to the meat or chicken) from various
hashgochos which they could use at their discretion. Needless to say there was a major uproar in the community. 50 prominent Rabannim got together to discuss the issue as to whether people might have to chuck their pots and pans (there seemed to have been some question of tarfus as well). There was also the issues of the stores that had bought this same meat from this company wholesale to restaurants or other stores etc. Needless to say some stores had to get rid of this meat as well as compensate their own customers for this grave atrocity. More to come..........

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