Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Want to chill with a big crowd on Rosh Hashana?

Looking for a big crowd to pray with on Rosh Hashana? You know about the halacha Rov Am Hadras Melech ( the bigger the attendance the more glory is brought before g-d)...you can always go to Uman! They are expecting as many as 17,000 in attendance the organizers are reporting. Arrangements are in high gear in the World Hassidic Center headquarters, as well as among local Uman residents, who find the annual Rosh Hashanah pilgrimage a profitable experience. Rabbi Nachman's promise was that following his departure from this world, those who pray at his grave will merit a heavenly response, especially those who come on Rosh Hashanah.

This is an event not to be missed.. I hope to go some day.