Friday, August 27, 2004

Cantorial Concert coming up...

Cantors World presents Lishmoa El Ha'Rina V'el Ha'tefilah, NYC, Sep 8
A Pre-High Holiday Concert. Featuring Cantors Ari Klein, Pinchas Cohen, Moshe Stern, Pinchas Rabinovitch and Dovid Weinbach. Daniel Gildar on the Piano. At Merkin Concert Hall - Goodman House 129 W. 67th St. New York, NY.

I saw Ari Klien a few times at his shteler the Park East Synogouge. He happens to be quite good. I was performing an acapella job one shabbos and Park East was the closest shul available. Fri night we went to daven and about 11 men show up and they had Ari Klien. I remember thinking how comical it was to be hiring a professional Cantor for just a minyan of people. We came the next day and a few more people showed. Here is the funny part.... during davening.. I believe it was in the middle of kedusha...someone was humming together with Ari. Ari was really showing off that shabbos and he was so furious at this guy that he turned around while still hitting a real high note and stared him down! It was the most comical thing I ever saw a Cantor do and I had to hold my laugh wasn't easy.